Saturday, November 19, 2011

TR1: Return to The Pit!


I loved The Pit when I first encountered it because it was one of the few dungeons where I got completely lost -- not just in the Zork I sense of nondiscript "twisty passages all alike" but in the sense that I was navagating a topography that I could not visualize.

But all good things came to an end, and I figured out a series of tricks that would allow me to navagate what I could not conceptualize. Feather Fall SW. Fall down one ramp when you see this land mark. So I put away the Pit and vowed not to return until a distant future when my memory had attrophied or until I was leveling a TR in need of awesome XP.

So last night, after months of anticipation, I returned to The Pit.

My TR needed XP but I was still fairly sure that I knew my way around the Pit. And I did know it. But more surprisingly, the whole thing seemed to make sense. I almost think I could draw a 3d map of the place now from memory. Almost.

Also, last time I ran the Pit I had alot of lag from (what turned out to be a) defective video card. But now with my new video card everything on DDO is smooth and lag free. On the downside that means all the jumps I fail are my own fault. And compared to my Ranger life, my Full Plate wearing  Paladin had alot of failed jumps. ;)

I'm sad that my mind has penetrated the mysteries of The Pit -- but it remains the best dungeon ever!

And no, no Muck's Dooms were had, and the pug killed Jubuilex while I was in the furnace room fixing the light we missed. :)

1 comment:

  1. For that quest, you would be in a very small minority with that opinion.
