This is my main hitting level 20 a second time. It happened the weekend prior to Menace of the Underdark. I don't know what happens when you hit level 20 now that the cap has been raised. I bet ti doesn't say "You have attained the highest level in DDO!" Now there's probably something different, like as soon as you hit 20 you watch the movie: Spinner of Shadows Buy Now.
This Paladin 20 life went by too fast. I was earning XP so fast I hardly got to stop to smell the roses. The only quest I ransacked was Dreaming Dark. I wanted several Ioun stones for TR twink gear but I had to settle for a +6 STR ML:5. It's actualy great at level. I didn't make any new GS, had very little time to run shrouds.
Whereas my previous TR was totaly Free to Play, this life was on a premium account. I bought the cheapest Turbine Point card that my local GameStop had in stock. I wanted the Premium status more than the points, because Premium players can go AFK for a very long time. On my f2p account I'd always get auto-logged-out while I was waiting for raids to fill. (I'm lookin at you, Tower of Despair.) That premium upgrade as very convienient for me and using the Turbine Points I bought all the Epic! packs. Great value. I got alot of fun out of those Epics!, especialy VoN: The Prisoner, which was an absolutely punishing nightmare of a quest back then.
The biggest improvement from TRing a third time is the ability to open quests on Elite. It's not for everyone, but personaly, I love running everything on elite -- now I can without having to waste my time on the easier, more cost efficient difficulty settings.
Currently I'm on my 3rd life and I'm enjoying all the TR and Cannith Crafted twink gear. Just put on my +6 STR Ioun stone and I'm wielding my Silver Holy Warhammer of Undead Bane. I'm wearing Adamantium full plate. I know, everyone else likes invulnerability but I prefer DR 3/- plus the biggest Armor bonus I can craft since these low levels are where AC matters.
Oh, and special thanks to my blog-fiend of a wife who taught me how to internet a pic.
Amazing! This looks like the photos of SanDiego Fireworks display!!
ReplyDeleteLevel Cap is 25 today, but you will always have your 20 moment.