Monday, December 10, 2012

TR3 Level 6: Bravery Bonus Trapfinder Paladin

The further exploits of a thrice True Reincarnated Ranger Paladin Paladin Paladin.

Pesky traps have forced me to take my second rogue level earlier than I anticipated. But on the upside I'm having alot of fun with this character. I took rogue early because I wanted evasion.
Disarming traps is satisfying. I've never done it before so the locations of the trapboxes are not somthing I've got memorized. But I do have a pretty good memory for places I've died horribly, and that includes many traps.

I'm also picking locks for the first time -- although it seems that most of the doors are locked for my own good. (Locked doors are there to protect adventurers from trapped chests!)

And, some of the traps I've blundered into are new to me. I bought every adventure with the bonus points from Menace of the Underdark. That was only this summer, and didn't play them all yet.

First trap behind a locked door I found was in the Catacombs. I shoulda known better (spoiler: because chests are often trapped. Duh.) but instead got a face full of spikes. I was incapped but my hireling wouldn't heal me -- he was AFK.

After that I was cautious, but I still got fooled by an untrapped chest in a trapped halway behind a locked door. I ran right into that one.

But I'm getting the hang of this, and with my Ioun Stones (+6 Int +1 exceptional), and my master crafted cannith hats (+10 spot and +10 Disable ML5) and a bank of +5 picks I'm able to trap level 4 elite content with my level 6 character.

Looking forward, I'm thinking of doing more multiclassing. I like Paladin 15 (two level 4 spell slots). If I take Pal15/Rogue2 that leaves me with three spare levels to mess around with. Barbarian could be fun for the +10% run speed. Fighter 2 would be nice for the bonus feats. I guess I could take some rogue too for some good clickies... but I don't like clickies all that much.


  1. can't be a lawful good barbarian though :( believe me i've cursed the character planner a few times over that one ;)

  2. I'd LOVE to see you pick up Barbarian while being a Paladin...
    Small note, you can't, neither you can be a Bard. Since both classes need chaotic as requirement.

    Fighter can be a good decition, but it already seems you ran out of multiple choices...

  3. A Trapper I both love and hate them. Playing them that is. Love that I have a purpose a job to do and that I can get that extra xp, chest open, door etc. that others cant :)

    But nobody wants a trapper when they don't need one and once your job is done the fame is over :( Wait! love me again! I dont think I have to mention that a rogue Master Mech. has limited uses.

    I just recently started my Arti 12 Rogue 6 Monk 2 build. I call him The Grease Monkey.
