Monday, May 21, 2012

Interrupting wife proves DDO is nonstop adventure.

DDO is 100% fun. I statistically interpolated the percentage of fun with my wife's interruptions as my randomizer. The null hypothesis is "there are dull moments in DDO."

Time Randomized observations:

Observation 1. Recovering from near party wipe. Intimitanking Hezaru and Reavers away from the pile of soulstones, casting raise dead at the healer. Excitement 100%

Observation 2. Soloing Pray on the Hunter. Just stepping into the maze, starting the timer. Urgency 100%.

Observation 3. In VoN5 pull the lever countdown. Odds of secretly piking = 0.001%

Observation 4. Waiting for two stragglers at the VoN6 dragon door threshold. Chance of getting locked out while oggling at new purchases = 100%

Conclusion: we reject the null hypothesis. There is never a dull moment in DDO.


  1. :D lol. I pug a lot, or more correct, I put up a group on lfg a lot. Some quests/chains are more difficult to find a party for than others. So more than a few times I'm like "I'm bored, let's just go" (I don't like soloing, but will often short man quests because I don't like waiting for the party to fill). So, my dull moment in DDO? Wanting to do a specific quest that you know you probably can't solo, and just waiting for the party to fill.

  2. Hypotesis test ... Statistics it's everywhere! In DDO too..

  3. I love those tense moments that make you tense up and your heart race! Especially while healing and when it's over you think "Holy crap that was awesome!"
